It is estimated that as many as twenty million Americans suffer from various digestive disorders. Digestive problems can cause improper digestion and malabsorption of nutrients that can have far reaching effects. Consequences of malabsorption can include impaired immunity, allergic reaction, poor wound healing, skin problems and mood swings. Supplemental enzymes can improve the level of digestion and help assure that the maximum level of nutrient absorption is attained.
Digestion first begins in the mouth with saliva. Once the food has entered the stomach, it may remain in the upper region of the stomach for as long as an hour until the food is mixed with the stomach secretions. During this time salivary amylase and food enzymes continue digestion.
Scientific evidence shows that food enzymes play an important role in digestion by predigesting food in the upper stomach before hydrochloric acid has even been secreted. Since food enzymes are destroyed in the cooking process (over 110° F) , supplementation is very important. If the full digestive burden is placed on the body, the body’s digestive process can become over-stressed and vital nutrients may not be released from food for assimilation by the body. When the diet does not provide adequate amounts of food enzymes, the pancreas is capable of enlarging in an effort to produce the needed enzymes for digestion. So by taking supplemental food enzymes, the body’s enzyme reserve is spared, leaving it intact for other important metabolic functions, such as helping the body heal itself from disease.
If some of the food is digested by plant enzymes, the pancreas will make less concentrated digestive enzymes. The digestion accomplished by plant enzymes occurs early enough in the digestive process to trigger a reduction in pancreatic secretion. Supplemental pancreatic enzymes, on the other hand, do nothing to relieve the stress on the pancreas. Since pancreatin only works in the alkaline medium of the small intestine, its digestive action occurs too late to prevent the pancreas from producing all the enzymes needed to completely digest the food.
It is for these reasons we introduced our Food-N-Zymes in 1980. Since that time further research has resulted in new enzymes. Since we are interested in providing the best possible products for our customers, we are proud to introduce SUPER-FOOD-N-ZYMES. Each Vcap™ of this new formula will contain the following active ingredients:
Amylase 4000DU
Lipase 250 FCCLU
Glucoamylase 10 AGU
Invertase 200 SU
Protease 12000 HUT
alpha-Galactosidase 118 GAL U
Diastase 245 DP
Cellulase 300 CU
(Enzyme activity is measured in Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) Units.)
Also, please notice that they will be in a Vcap™ which is a vegetarian capsule.
Amylase reduces large carbohydrates (starches and other polysaccharides) to disaccharides including sucrose, lactose and maltose at random points within the starch chain. Disaccharide intolerance occurs when insufficient levels of disaccharidase enzymes are secreted in the small intestine causing malabsorption and physical discomfort. Invertase is a disaccharidase that works to break down sucrose (refined table sugar) into glucose and fructose. The prevalence of processed and highly refined foods in the American diet means that we consume a great amount of this sugar which can contribute to undue digestive stress. It is theorized that unrecognized sucrose intolerance is a contributing factor in many allergies. So the addition of Invertase to our formula can increase the assimilation and utilization of this sugar. The addition of the carbohydrases Malt Diastase and Glucoamylase augment the breakdown of starch at the end of the chain into glucose molecules, allowing greater absorption of this energy-giving sugar. Inclusion of these sugar-breaking enzymes gives this formula a broad base for improving nutrition. Alpha-Galactosidase hydrolyzes the raffinose-series sugars. The process of hydrolysis adds water to the ingested food, separating the bonds between the polysaccharides thus forming monosaccharides which can be moved through the gastrointestinal mucosa. Raffinose-series sugars are prevalent in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage as well as turnips, onions and beans. These complex sugars are not digested within the human gastrointestinal system and instead are fermented by the intestinal flora and commonly produce flatus. The raffinose-series sugars consist of galactose polymers joined to the disaccharide sucrose (glucose-fructose). Alpha-galactosidase hydrolyzes the alpha-1, 4-glucosidic bond between galactose and glucose thus eliminating the carbohydrate’s ability to produce gas.
Cellulase (not found in the human system) has also been increased since it breaks the bonds found in fiber. By disrupting the structure of the fiber matrices which envelop most of the nutrients in plants, cellulase increases the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables.
Proteases break long protein chains (polypeptides) into smaller amino acid chains and eventually into single amino acids.
Lipase digests fats (triglycerides) into free fatty acids and glycerol.
As you can see, Super Food-N-Zymes will provide an even broader range of digestion than our present Food-N-Zymes. Of course, this brings with it added expense. Also, the Vcaps™ (vegetarian capsules) are more expensive but many of our customers have expressed a preference for them over the gelatin capsules presently used. This new product will not be available in tablets. The enclosed new price list gives the new prices. Actually, I think you will find this new formula even more economical since Amylase and Protease are almost two and a half times as strong, Lipase more than five times and Cellulase 15 times stronger. In addition, four new enzymes have been added. You can probably take half the amount you are taking now and still get a wider range of digestive ability at less than double the cost. Plus the fact that we now have vegetarian capsules.
The Protease formula will be a blend of six different proteases for a broader range of activity. Peptidase has been added since it focuses on the end of the protein chain. Bromelain has also been added to stabilize the acid. The new formula will be as follows:
Protease (I) 7500 HUT
Protease (II) 3000 HUT
Peptidase 1050 HUT
Bromelain 100000 FCCPU
I’m sure you will all be pleased with our products. Please let us know how you like them.
Eleanor Butler
Enzymes International
Eleanor Butler |