Compiled by Douglas W. Morrison from various sources
1. There are two essential fatty acids. These essential nutrients have been shown by leading researches to be necessary for both the optimum health of the body as well ‘~ as far freedom from degenerative disease. They are known as Omega 3 (aipha—linolenic acid or ALNA) and Omega 6 (linoleic acid or LA).
2. Along with proteins, essential fatty acids or EFAs are the building blocks, of cell membranes and various internal cell structures.
3. EFAs are necessary for the metabolism and transportation of triglycerides and cholesterol.
4. EFAs are necessary for the development and the function of the human brain.
5. EFAs are necessary for proper function of vision, the nervous system, adrenal glands, and testes, playing a vital’ rolein sperm formation amid conception.
6. EFAs boost metabolism, metabolic rate, energy production, and oxygen uptake.
7. EFAs, particularlyOmega 3, have been shown to decrease growth of cancer cells, candida, and various anaerobic organisms destructive to the health of the body.
8. EFAs are precursors to hormnoneljke substances known as the prostaglandins. There are three main groups of these, known as PG1s, PG2s and PC3s. Prostaglandins govern platelet stickiness in the blood, arterial muscle tone, inflammatory response, sodium excretion through the .kidneys and immune function.
9. PG1s and PG2s are derived from Omega 6, while PG3s come from Omega 3. PG2s are triggered by stress and they will increase platelet stickiness, constrict arteries, increase inflammation, decrease sodium excretion and inhibit immune function. Under normal circumstances the PG3s would keep the PG2s in check; were the production of PG2s to go unchecked serious consequences could well result. A lack or deficiency of Omega 3 will result in a lack or deficiency of PG3s. The ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 is also crucial, as excess Omega 6 as compared to Omega 3 promotes tumor formation. Research suggests that the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 should be no greater than 5:1. A typical ratio in most peopleTs diets is in excess of 20:1.
10. Excess non—essential fatty acids compete for a vital enzyme known as D—6—D, thus an excess of non—essential fatty acids can result in a functional deficiency of EFAs. Research indicates the ratio of non—essential to essential fatty acids should be no more than 1:1. A typical ratio for most people is in excess of 10:1, with almost all of the essential fatty acids being Omega 6.
11.. In the November 1986 Journal of the National Cancer Institute rese~rch indicated that Omega 3 and one of its derivatives as well as three of the derivatives of Omega 6 were seen to selectively destroy human cancer cells in tissue culture without damaging normal cells.
12. Dr. Johanna Budwig, a German M.D. and biochemist, discovered that the blood of cancer patients was deficient in EFAs. A yellow—green pigment was found in place of the normal red blood pigment or hemoglobin. Along with certain dietary improvements, she gave her patients three tablespoons of fresh flax oil as a means of gettIng EFAs into the body (flax oil is 55—65Z Omega 3 and 15—25Z Omega 6). On this program, which in~1uded no other supplements, she found that within three months the yellow—green was replaced by red and cancer disappeared.
Enzymes International
Eleanor Butler |