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Omega 6 is contained in many vegetable seed oils and seeds, the best sources being safflower (75%), sunflower (65%), corn (54%) and sesame (45%). However, these oils contain only small amounts of Omega 3, less than 1%. There are few good dietary sources of Omega 3. Pumpkin seed oil (0—15%), soy bean oil (7—9%) and walnut oil (3—11%) all contain Omega 3. By far the best source of Omega 3 is flax oil, which is 55—65% Omega 3 as well as 15—25% Omega 6. Bear in mind that the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 is critical (see #9) and that most people have a ratio of 20:1 or more, whereas a healthy ratio would be no more than 5:1. The ratio of non—essential to essential fatty acids is also critical (see #10) and again most people have a ratio in excess of 10:1 whereas a healthy ratio would be no more than 1:1. For this reason it is important to obtain a source high in essential fatty acids as well as being high in Omega 3 in particular.
Both Omega 3 and 6 are extremely sensitive to deterioration in the presence of light, oxygen and heat. Any or all of these will cause oil to go rancid very rapidly, thus making i~ of no benefit and, in fact, detrimental to the health of our bodies. For this reason it is imperative that oil be manufactured, processed, stored and shipped in the utter absence of light, oxygen and heat. For this reason we are delighted to announce a source of highest quality flax oil that meets these exacting standards. Certified organic flax seeds are processed, bottled, stored and shipped in the absence of light, oxygen and heat using a technology developed especially for this purpose. Inert black plastic bottles are used which will not react with the oil. Any type of glass container, even dark brown glass, allows enough light in to cause rancidity. Indeed, of the three factors mentioned, light is by far the most detrimental, causing rancidity 1000 times as rapidly as the next worse, which is oxygen. Inert gas is utilized during manufacture and bottling to insure the absence of oxygen. A special technology is utilized to maintain low temperatures during processing. Most so—called “cold— pressed” oils have reached temperatures of around 160 degrees F as a result of friction during the extraction process. Each bottle is stamped with a pressing date and an expiration date of only three months apart to guarantee freshness. The oil will probably last four months if shipped and kept refrigerated. (Freezing may extend shelf life even longer, but we encourage you to treat this oil as the perishable item that it is for best results).
In the 1950’s Dr. Max Gerson successfully used fresh flax oil to dissolve tumors, using about two tablespoons per day. According to Udo Erasmus, author of the definitive work on the subject to date FATS AND OILS, flax oil has the following benefits:
1. Its Omega 3s lower high blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels by as much as 25% and 65% respectively. It will decrease the probability of a clot blocking an artery and lower high blood pressure.
2. Omega 3s dissolve tumors, as shown by the work of Gerson, Budwig and others.
3. Will aid in the treatment and prevention of diabetes, arthritis, asthma, PNS, allergies and inflammatory tissue conditions.
4. Also of great benefit with skin conditions, vitality, stress and virtually all degenerative conditions.
While no one nutrient can effectively cure, treat or prevent disease, it is important to recognize that the absence of one key nutrient even when all others are present can effectively limit the benefits one might expect. Hence the need for essential fatty acids to be used in conjunction with minerals, enzymes, vitamins and amino acids to insure the presence of all essential nutrients.

Enzymes International

Eleanor Butler
Manitowish Waters, WI USA