
LIVE BEE POLLEN sun and air dried — never freeze-dried, or reprocessed.

Pollen is called “the worlds  first health foods” because its healing powers were first described in ancient writings, and a “superfood” because pollen contains nearly every known nutrient required for a balanced human diet: 22 amino acids, 27 minerals, most of the known vitamins, and many enzymes. It is 35% protein, 40% carbohydrate, and 5% fat.

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This bee pollen is a special type of pollen in Northern British Columbia that contains every known vitamin and nutrient known to science.  This bee pollen is 100% mountain wild flowers and fruit trees (no vegetational crops) yielding a high protein, low sugar pollen containing all know amino acids in the same ratio as the human body. This bee pollen completely natural and organic. Most pollens are oven dried or ground into capsules, both processes kill the nutrients. This bee pollen is sun and air dried which retains the nutritional integrity and value of the pollen.