Vitälzӯm® Xe is the world’s leading professional strength systemic enzyme supplement available exclusively through healthcare practitioners. Vitälzӯm® Xe features an unmatched proprietary blend that combines potent proteolytic enzymes, digestive enzymes, and antioxidants that enhance its effectiveness.

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Vitälzӯm® Xe is the world’s leading professional strength systemic enzyme supplement available exclusively through healthcare practitioners. Vitälzӯm® Xe features an unmatched proprietary blend that combines potent proteolytic enzymes, digestive enzymes, and antioxidants that enhance its effectiveness. The systemic enzyme blend is formulated around the power of serrapeptase, a vegetarian-friendly enzyme shown to be stronger than animal-derived enzymes, coupled with the fruit enzymes bromelain and papain. Additional ingredients include amylase, protease, lipase, rutin, and amla extract. This professional strength formula delivers twice the potency of our Vitälzӯm® liquid gel capsules and is available in 180-count boxes.

Systemic enzymes are designed to be taken without food to facilitate their release in the small intestine where they are absorbed and utilized throughout the body to neutralize rogue proteins, reduce chronic inflammation, regulate an over-active or weakened immune system, remove excess fibrin and plaque that may have been building for years, and restore healthy blood flow.*

Vitälzӯm® Xe is also the only systemic enzyme on the market manufactured with a revolutionary enteric-coated, liquid-filled gel capsule. Unlike tablet- or powder-based products, this delivery system ensures that nearly 100% of the enzymes survive the harsh acidic environment of the stomach and reach the small intestine, where they become available for absorption into the bloodstream and then are dispersed throughout the entire body.

Vitälzӯm® Xe is specifically formulated to regulate the inflammatory and immune response to support health in the following systems:

-Upper respiratory*
-Joint/connective tissue/skin*

Enjoy a smaller, easy-to-swallow capsule and fewer per dose while receiving maximum systemic support.

These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.